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Category Archives: Healthy food

boosting nutrients during the Covid-19

boosting nutrients during the Covid-19

Boosting nutrients during the Covid-19 During the past period. The epidemic of the COVID-19 virus. Make a heavy impact on our lifestyle and health. Which with this epidemic. This makes us need to take care of ourselves more. Both wearing masks Cleaning your hands with alcohol gel or washing

5 Healthy Food Build Good Health

5 Healthy Food Build Good Health

How to take care of your health to keep your body healthy besides exercise get enough rest Knowing how to choose food is an important factor for good health. Sticking to the 5 main food groups and increasing the importance of eating diversity in each food group Not monotonous, just

Benefits of healthy vegetable & fruit juices !!

Benefits of healthy vegetable & fruit juices !

Non-drug treatment Also known as ” natural therapy ” today is more and more popular, especially drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juice that has become an integral part of the natural healing process. Whether for the treatment of minor ailments Disease that is difficult to treat Or chronic disease Fresh juice is

8 ways to eat "clean food" for good health

8 ways to eat “clean food” for good health

Suggesting healthy people to eat clean food properly, not processed or added to the least flavor. And should choose to eat all 5 food groups in the amount that is appropriate to meet the needs of the body Dr. Sarawut Bunsuk, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Health, said that eating clean

"6 vegetable juice recipes, lose belly fat"

“6 vegetable juice recipes, lose belly fat”

For those who want to burn fat to be easy and economical, we recommend these 6 recipes for vegetable juice and juices . Drinking and can help burn fat well, can help reduce belly . Importantly, it can also lose weight. Drink Along with exercise, just blend all the ingredients together and drink. So easy, right? Now

"Plant Based Food" Trend of 2021

“Plant Based Food” Trend of 2021

Today we will take all the healthiest. Come and get to know Plant Based Food, what are the hottest trends in healthy food, what is  Plant Based and how is it good for your health? We have answers!      It must be say that over the years and this

"Menus for the elderly", easy to cook

“Menus for the elderly”, easy to cook

Menus for the elderly During this detention period, how many people have changed their career to become a necessary home chef? Which young ladies are in love with cooking and looking for new dishes? For family members, especially the elderly snack menu, let’s try a simple

Fresh Shrimp Liang Curry, Kaeng Liang

Fresh Shrimp Liang Curry, Kaeng Liang

If you want to find something that is easy to drink and smooth, I recommend this healthy Thai food recipe. Because Kaeng Liang is a mellow taste menu Plus it’s full of healthy vegetables. Kaeng Liang can help reduce the flu and call for milk for young mothers

Soft Cookies Granola, health food

Soft Cookies Granola, health food

“Granola Soft Cookies” is a very creative menu. Both are new and not monotonous Can be eaten as a snack bar Plus provide energy to the body as well. Also, soft cookies, granola. There are also some superfood toppings, such as Tawanna seeds, goji berries, chia seeds, and macadamia. This